Samarkand is a beautiful old silkway city in the center of Uzbekistan.
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Discovering our beautiful tiny Blue Dot
Asia is the largest and most populated continent on Earth. Its famous for its highest mountains, megacities, endless steppes and forests. And i´m still curious about Asias great and old history and its current uprising in China and at the old and new Silk road.
The Sairam-Ugam National Park is a beautiful and less known Nationalpark in the South of Kazakhstan.
Read moreAlmaty, close to Tianshan Mountains, is the largest city and former capital of Kazakhstan.
Read moreThe Trans-Ili Alatau is part of the Tianshan Mountains and South of Almaty.
Read moreThe “Black Mountains” are located in South Kazakhstan and they have unique geology sites.
Read moreThe Kolsai Lakes National Park is part of the north slope of the Tianshan mountains.
Read moreThe small brother of the Grand Canyon is located in the southeast of Kazakhstan.
Read moreAralsk was a popular fishing harbour located a the former shorelines of the Aral Sea.
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