Baikonur Cosmodrome is the World´s largest and first spaceport located in the Kazakh steppe.

Waiting for Rollout
The train with the Soyuz rocket is ready to drive to the Launch Pad in Cosmodrome Baikonur.

Dawn over the opened Gagarins Launch Pad that is ready to welcome the Soyuz rocket. Zarya is the russian word for Dawn.

Arrival at Gagarins Start
The train is driving the last 100 meters to the Launch Pad in Cosmodrome Baikonur.

Closing of the Launch tower
The Launch Tower is closing for final preparations at Cosmodrome Baikonur.
Why is it special?
Its currently the only place where man can leave Earth. And its the place where the famous “Race to Space” begun. Sputnik (first satellite), Laika (first animal) and Gagarin (first man in space) launched from here. So it is a very historical place on Earth.